And carrying on with my trip - we took dylan to the street fair in eyemouth where he got to see santa claus and his little helpers and then back at the house before I left this was the only nice photo I could get with my godson - he really like his auntie hannah that week lol. moving on up north then it was time for a trip down memory lane and the chance to return to aberdeen, my home for two years and some great times spent there. so of course I had to include a picture of the university and of course of Ricky - who has so kindly moved up there to live and work and given me the opportunity of visiting, it was great to see him but kinda scary as well because it made me feel very young and immature since he is getting married and has bought a house and everything else as for myself I am still bludging off my parents and enjoying the uni way of life, sad sad person I am
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