Simon guiding mum down the aisle before the wedding ceremony on Saturday 1st July 2006 - It was a very proud day for us all and a day that although hoped for a lot of us where not sure would ever come (That is Simon finding someone good enough to meet his standards and who loved him back). But Rebekah is a lovely person and they are a very happy

The bride (Rebekah Carson) and her father (Jim) walking down the aisle
HAAAAAANNNNNNAAAAAAAHHAHHHHH!!!!! :o) :o) :o) yippee 4 computers :o) your photos are brilliant and beeeaautiful! how long have i been out of the world to not know you had all those details of your life on the web....will have to get back on to get a better look at the photos but good to see a couple more wedding ones (thanks for the ones you emailed me :o) and all the others...handt seen any from the husky trip or anything else from that matter... love the one of your mum and dax at the beach! i will give my love to them both for you at magilligan next week... and pass on your love to the cottage as well :o( :o) :o) :o) miss u ... b xoxoxoxo
Barbara, at 4:58 PM
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