Hey everyone (or no-one depending on who reads this space)
Sorry that it has been a while since I last updated you all on my life over here in NZ and sorry that I never quite got round to adding more wedding photo's but I will try and do that within the next couple of weeks. So since the wedding last July there have been many things happening. I have been dating a very nice young man called Greg, who is very sweet and kind, but who unfortunately since christmas has been living in Christchuch in the south island, so am struggling a bit with the long distance thing but we'll cope no doubt. I failed an exam this year, the first one in my vet career very uncool especially as it was biometrics (stats for vets) and it was a pain to study the first time and I found the second time round even more trying. But I studied hard and did the re-sit in January and passed so that was 4th year
complete and launched from there into fifth year. Fifth year has been chaged slightly and we are now much more practical based which is really good and I am learning heaps but also realising that there is so much that I am meant to know but that the information seems to be missing from my brain, but no matter I will get there in the end.
In addition to all that the pictures that are on with this blog are of the most adorable little puppy who has made my house her home after being abandoned - yes it seems to have started already but she reallyis the cutest, smartest creature that I have met and has so far brought me much joy and is fantastic company especially now that I am living in a little cottage by myself out in the bush behind massey. It is absolutely beautiful and is aiding me in my quest to lose weight, what with the cycle home from uni which involves 2.5km of biking up h
ill, with the last 500m being up 80 degrees.
Apart from all that life is remarkably quiet, I
am learning to be selfish this year and take care of number one which should be mentally good for me in the hope that I won't be as stressed out, well thats the theory anyway. Well I must hit the road jacks as I have a heap of stuff to get at- well not really I simply have 8 ours of lectures today oh the fun of it all.
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