Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Hey everyone (or no-one depending on who reads this space)
Sorry that it has been a while since I last updated you all on my life over here in NZ and sorry that I never quite got round to adding more wedding photo's but I will try and do that within the next couple of weeks. So since the wedding last July there have been many things happening. I have been dating a very nice young man called Greg, who is very sweet and kind, but who unfortunately since christmas has been living in Christchuch in the south island, so am struggling a bit with the long distance thing but we'll cope no doubt. I failed an exam this year, the first one in my vet career very uncool especially as it was biometrics (stats for vets) and it was a pain to study the first time and I found the second time round even more trying. But I studied hard and did the re-sit in January and passed so that was 4th year
complete and launched from there into fifth year. Fifth year has been chaged slightly and we are now much more practical based which is really good and I am learning heaps but also realising that there is so much that I am meant to know but that the information seems to be missing from my brain, but no matter I will get there in the end.
In addition to all that the pictures that are on with this blog are of the most adorable little puppy who has made my house her home after being abandoned - yes it seems to have started already but she reallyis the cutest, smartest creature that I have met and has so far brought me much joy and is fantastic company especially now that I am living in a little cottage by myself out in the bush behind massey. It is absolutely beautiful and is aiding me in my quest to lose weight, what with the cycle home from uni which involves 2.5km of biking up h
ill, with the last 500m being up 80 degrees.
Apart from all that life is remarkably quiet, I
am learning to be selfish this year and take care of number one which should be mentally good for me in the hope that I won't be as stressed out, well thats the theory anyway. Well I must hit the road jacks as I have a heap of stuff to get at- well not really I simply have 8 ours of lectures today oh the fun of it all.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Simon guiding mum down the aisle before the wedding ceremony on Saturday 1st July 2006 - It was a very proud day for us all and a day that although hoped for a lot of us where not sure would ever come (That is Simon finding someone good enough to meet his standards and who loved him back). But Rebekah is a lovely person and they are a very happy

The bride (Rebekah Carson) and her father (Jim) walking down the aisle
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Mum and grandma - looking fab in her hat just before we went out for lunch.
Back in Nz and after arriving back went straight out to Linda's birthday party and ryans leaving party - lucy, charotte, bex, will, and little monica all posing for the camera under sufferance - thanks guys.
Greg and jen in the savage laundrette - march '06 (greg is my friend from the army who very kindly takes care of my car from time to time and boy does he have his work cut out for him - thanks greg)
A day at the races and the girls are looking fine, these are some of my class mates and then in the background you may make out charlotte and jen - beautiful girls And jen and winnie - looking good guys definately an interesting position you are trying.

Marie the finnish girl that was helping at the kennels for the season, taking to the snow on another form of sled and the down hill luge - great fun unfortunately some of us (namely me) where terrible at it and kept crash landing at the bottom of the hill.

The morning sky and evening sky at manitou crossing kennels - beautiful

Chester the wonder dog - he is an alaskan husky and is truly one of the most friendly and beautiful dogs as they all where.

this is moosy who was given a special seat for the trip home to live with grandma in movilla house - such a fab traveller - so quiet.

More pictures from home, this time of mum and dax in two of my favourite places to walk, the beach at home and then at whiterock - it is so beautiful and peaceful to be beside the water and so nice to get the chance to go for a dander with my mum and a catch up after a year of being away from the family.
Then it was time to go on another adventure and trundle across to meet my dad in minnesota and the beargrease marathon dog sled race, where I got to play vet assistant and get very little sleep and treat dogs mainly for diarrhoea, but it was lot of fun and I learnt a lot about the benefits of massage and chiropractic work on sport animals.
the pictures of the dogs are from Jen and Blake freking's yard in finland minnesota, the first is down time at the races snuggled under blankets and being watched over closely to ensure complete rest. Then there is the mad puppies and finally dad showing us how the dogs can run.

It was a fantastic experience and I hope one day That I can go back as a vet on the races.

So then onto glasgow and a stop over with babs and yet more dancing this time, swing me round, dosy do and the rest for a calidgh (sp) dancing extravaganza it was.

I then made it home in time to put the crimbo tree up and decorate the dog to celebrate christmas in style with my mummy.
The new year brought more fun and games, with a visit from auntie linda, gary and kathryn and then the Abba party in janice and andrew's caravan, which was a lot of fun and I think even amused the police officers as they did a random stop search at the bottom of the long and winding round to the caravan, sadly despite the invitation they never did come and dance with us.

And carrying on with my trip - we took dylan to the street fair in eyemouth where he got to see santa claus and his little helpers and then back at the house before I left this was the only nice photo I could get with my godson - he really like his auntie hannah that week lol. moving on up north then it was time for a trip down memory lane and the chance to return to aberdeen, my home for two years and some great times spent there. so of course I had to include a picture of the university and of course of Ricky - who has so kindly moved up there to live and work and given me the opportunity of visiting, it was great to see him but kinda scary as well because it made me feel very young and immature since he is getting married and has bought a house and everything else as for myself I am still bludging off my parents and enjoying the uni way of life, sad sad person I am

Sunday, August 21, 2005
From this................................................................to this in the space of 24 hours (well really 48 but 24 sounds better)
Half way day is a traditional day in the vet 3rd year calender, it is a day off uni, which is spent as a class causing havoc in some part of new zealand...this year we took off to taupo for the night...went white water rafting...awesome, fabulous views, adrenaline rush and complete serenity for a couple of hours....then into taupo for some drinking and games. Saturday brought us back to palmy for the annual vet ball, so our glad rags were donned and the dancing shoes polished and off we went..dont we look smart.

my pictures didnt really go on as I wanted them to, but never mind...not enough time to faff around with them, as this is my lunch break and my stomach is starting to rumble....not good...anyway top left, is one half of my class before we started rafting...all looking very good I may say.
top right: those of my class that went to the vet ball....now that is a good looking photo...bling.
middle left: Babs and I looking smart as we headed out to the ball.
middle right: My flatmates and I at the half-way day night out.....it was very cold but lots of fun...many fond memories to look back on laugh about.
Bottom left: The boys looking pimp like, as they headed to the bling ball, from left to right is Aliaster (First year vet student), James (Kate's fiancee...so one of the long suffer boyfriends of vets), Ryan (Charlottes other half....aka long suffering boyfriend) and finally Dale (Sarahs other half..yep another one of those suckers)...but seriously some very cool guys and part of really nice, cute couples.
Half way day is a traditional day in the vet 3rd year calender, it is a day off uni, which is spent as a class causing havoc in some part of new zealand...this year we took off to taupo for the night...went white water rafting...awesome, fabulous views, adrenaline rush and complete serenity for a couple of hours....then into taupo for some drinking and games. Saturday brought us back to palmy for the annual vet ball, so our glad rags were donned and the dancing shoes polished and off we went..dont we look smart.

top right: those of my class that went to the vet ball....now that is a good looking photo...bling.
middle left: Babs and I looking smart as we headed out to the ball.
middle right: My flatmates and I at the half-way day night out.....it was very cold but lots of fun...many fond memories to look back on laugh about.
Bottom left: The boys looking pimp like, as they headed to the bling ball, from left to right is Aliaster (First year vet student), James (Kate's fiancee...so one of the long suffer boyfriends of vets), Ryan (Charlottes other half....aka long suffering boyfriend) and finally Dale (Sarahs other half..yep another one of those suckers)...but seriously some very cool guys and part of really nice, cute couples.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Since Babs was always dragging me off round the countryside to see various lighthouses I felt that I had to do them justice and include them in my blogspot...this is perhaps the nicest one and is to be found in Taranaki. We must have spent at least an hour (babs wanted to see the light go on) here before truddling down the road to what has to have been our most bizarre nights accomodation in the middle of nowhere on a dairy farm, with another guest who never turned up....spooky, but we made it out fine.
Sulky babs because I wouldnt have any more pictures taken.....She made me give in later but, I could hear in my head the slide show when she got home......'and here is hannah in taupo and here is hannah in piaha.....and on and on'. But anyway this is babs standing on the lookout, with taupo and the mountains in the background.

So these pictures are really in no sort of order at all, as I was doing this in the library and was rushed for time, so just tried to throw them on...oops that will teach me....anyway so this is the sunrise on my little dairy farm. I relief milk here every other weekend, at the minute we are milking about 200 or so cows but that will keep going up as in the middle of spring herd calving...so much fun, especially because the herd is full of kicking heifers, but good training.
Holiday in Fiji....mana island (pic to follow at some point, well ahead....).....beautiful..I would go back in an instant..despite the losing the bag thing (I hope that someone in fiji is now a pathology wizzz!!) and the photos from the digital camera etc...the sun, the sand and the people were amazing...These are four of the boys from the island...actually from Rotoma (sp!)..entertainment staff ...(Romano, Patrick, John, and ok babs heres where I need help, what was the other guys name) anyway..very very funny guys and beautiful bodies.

Back in New Zealand, but on the south island now, in Christchurch...This is the oold university buildings...reminded us both a lot of the university buildings back home...gorgeous

So these pictures are really in no sort of order at all, as I was doing this in the library and was rushed for time, so just tried to throw them on...oops that will teach me....anyway so this is the sunrise on my little dairy farm. I relief milk here every other weekend, at the minute we are milking about 200 or so cows but that will keep going up as in the middle of spring herd calving...so much fun, especially because the herd is full of kicking heifers, but good training.

Back in New Zealand, but on the south island now, in Christchurch...This is the oold university buildings...reminded us both a lot of the university buildings back home...gorgeous